Ausnahmsweise: Blackberry Smoke

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Blackberry Smoke's Rockklassiker (sieht jede/r anders)

1. "Shakin' Hands With The Holy Ghost"

2. "Ain't Much Left Of Me"

3. "Constant Sorrow"

4. "Good One Comin’ On"

5. "Like I Am"

6. "Long Haired Country Boy"

7. "Ought To Know"

8. "Rock & Roll Again"

9. "Run Away From It All"

10. "Six Ways To Sunday"
Blackberry Smoke's 'Softer Rock'

- "Angeline"

- "I've Got This Song"

- "Lesson In A Bottle"

- "Let Me Down Easy"

- "Mother Mountain"
Blackberry Smoke's 'Softer Rock' - 2

- "One Horse Town"

- "Pretty Little Lie"

- "Seems So Far"

- "Sunrise In Texas"

- "Tuesdays Gone"

Blueberry Smoke's 'schnellerer Rock' (fast/up ..., 'Polka ...')

- "I'll Keep Ramblin'"

- "Flirtin With Disaster"

- "Freeborn Man"

- "Memphis Special" ...

- "Let It Burn"

Blackberry Smoke, Herbst 2018, Europa-Tour. Bristol (11.11.18, England)

- "The Good Life"

- "Shaking Hands With The Holy Ghost"

# Extras:

- Richard Turner (b)

- "Take The Highway", 2018

- "Memphis Special", "Like I Am", 2007
Blackberry Smoke 2019 in Brasilien

Blackberry Smoke. Slide Guitar

- Blackberry Smoke im Interview, ... Hans Ernst, ... aktualisiert am 8. November 2018, Gitarre & Bass

- Jack Daniel's ..., Justin Johnson Solo Slide Guitar, 2017

- Guitar Technique: Slide Guitar Basics 1 ..., 2014

- Matt Smith Gives A Killer Slide Guitar Lesson - Part 1, 2009

- Slide-Guitar-Workshop ... - Grundlagen zum Bottleneck-Spiel, ... Florian Fleischer, 2017
Blackberry Smoke, Neueres

- "Live From The Foundation Room", 'Acoustic', 2014, veroeffentlicht 2018

- "Let Me Help You (Find The Door)", 2018

- "Old Shoes", 2015, 'Acoustic' 2018

- "Tuesdays Gone", 2018

- "Workin' For MCA", 2018
Blackberry Smoke, Neueres - 2

- "Fire In The Hole", backstage view, 9. Juni 2018

- "Cripple Creek", B. S. & JJ Grey (voc), 18. August 2018

- "Sleeping Dogs", 27. Juli 2018, Veroeffentlichung 4. Dezember 2018

- "Ain't Wastin' Time", B. S. & Drew Smithers (g, Bishop Gunn), 27. April 2018

- "Up The Road", 2017
Blackberry Smoke, The Fillmore, Philadelphia (PA, USA), 6. Dezember 2018

- "Shakin’ Hands With The Holy Ghost"

- "Freedom Song"

- "Medicate My Mind"
Blackberry Smoke, The Capitol Theatre, Port Chester (NY, USA), 7. Dezember 2018

'... live from The Capitol Theatre', 28:59
Blackberry Smoke, Upstate Concert Hall, Clifton Park (NY, USA), 8. Dezember 2018

- "Leave A Scar"

- "Like An Arrow"

- "Sanctified Woman"

- "Sleeping Dogs"

- "Waiting For The Thunder"
Blackberry Smoke, The Capitol Theatre, Port Chester (NY, USA), 7. Dezember 2018 - 2

'... Full Show', 2:28:21 (bis ca 0:26:00 Werbung)
blackberry smoke macht so etwas wie weihnachtspause, abgesehen von einem silvester-auftritt und bevor es 2019 wieder voll weitergeht.

Blackberry Smoke 2018-19

# Chattanooga (Tennessee, USA), New Year's Eve / Silvester, 2018-19

- "Sanctified Woman"

- "Best Seat In The House"

- ... & Brent Cobb (voc, g), "Ballad Of Curtis Loew"

# Sweetwater (Texas? USA), 21. Dezember 2018

- "Waiting For The Thunder"

- "Come Together"
Blackberry Smoke 2018-19 - B

# Chattanooga (Tennessee, USA), New Year's Eve / Silvester, 2018-19 - II

- "Ain’t Much Left Of Me"

- "Good One Comin’ On"

- "One Horse Town"

- "Run Away From It All"

- "Waiting For The Thunder"

# Solo fuer sie. Maennliche Rockmusik ist eine zu Tode erzaehlte Geschichte. Aber nun kommt Bewegung in die Sache: Eine junge Generation von Musikerinnen hat die Nachfolge der alten Gitarrenhelden angetreten. (Aus: Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 4. Januar 2019)